| Protection |

Critical illness cover.

What is critical illness cover?

Critical Illness Cover is one of the most popular policies that our clients’ take out. This will pay a tax free lump sum on diagnosis of a stated illness covered by your policy. Different insurers cover different illnesses with most policies covering in excess of 60 different conditions.

How can we, as a broker, better help you?

Following a review of your finances and needs we will set up a policy for a specified lump sum. In the event that you are diagnosed with a critical illness during your policy, our advisers will help you process a claim with your insurer. Upon a successful claim you will receive a tax-free lump sum to give you financial security whilst going through such a difficult time.

Still slightly unsure?

We have a series of frequently asked questions that we’ve put together to help relieve any uncertainty you might have.

It’s easy to begin your journey, start with an appointment.